Monday, October 31, 2005

Hello, I wanted to bring you some super-scary images from the Anthro Club/Celtic Hooligans Club joint pumpkin carving. We also had some very talented visitors from the Art House/Club (Jessica) as you can see from the autumn leaf etching. Also, [\dracula voice] I vant to drink your blooood! [/dracula voice]. Okay not, but I do wish there were such a thing as cyber candy. Well, everyone have a happy and safe Hallowe'en. Bye for now, Sam. Oh, I almost forgot: anonymous college clue- Harrison Ford went to this college before transferring to Ripon after he pulled several notorious pranks (part of this may be legend but I'm not exactly sure which). Have fun!

Friday, October 28, 2005

Been feeling kind of bummed out since Wednesday night so I thought I would post a picture that would cheer me up and voila!--lots of kitties! It makes me happy. Anthro club (of which I am Vice President) carved pumpkins last night. Hopefully I'll be able to put the pictures up that my fellow club member and housemate, Erin, took on her picturephone and promised to e-mail me. If not you'll just have to get them after Halloween suckers!!! Don't forget to "Fall Back" this weekend: daylight savings time--we thankfully gain an hour (oh god yes!). Are there too many exclamation points in this post? I seldom do that but hey I'm gonna leave it this time 'cause I can. Who's blog is this? Anyway, anonymous college clue: The word "______" in the college's name, according to Frank Zappa, sounds like a nickel falling in a toilet. Good luck with that. Love, Sam.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I'm posting because I don't want to be one of those people who creates a blog and then proceeds to ignore it. Is that really a good reason to post? I don't know. What does everyone think of olives? I like olives, no, like probably is too weak a word. I love olives, black and green.... Welcome to the wonderfully zany world of Samantha. Pathetic. Sad. Despairing. At least for now. But I'll cheer up by 6:30am; I have to...the patrons in commons expect a chipper attitude with their card swipe. Okay, I'm lying, they could care less but I expect to have a chipper attitude while swiping their card. Well, considering that early rise I should get to bed. Bye for now, Sam.

As we say in the south, it "turned off cold" up here in Wisconsin.
Maybe not that cold>>>>>>>>> but it's coming soon enough and I for one cannot wait. I love cold weather: I love the ice, the snow, the frost, the wind (well not all the wind), etc. Way too much heat where I'm from and not enough ice crystals if ya ask me. Isn't that pretty?>>>>> Wow, I have nothing else to talk about but the weather; this is as dismal as normal conversation. Gotta B on my German midterm... did pretty well on my museum studies paper... and that's it--not even enough interesting college class-related crap to write about. I'm goin' to bed--I should at least try to get some sleep since I'm blowing off tomorrows German homework (so naughty). Oh! Watched Kill Bill Vol. 2--entertaining but not as good as the first; a little anti-climatic but what are you going to do? Bye for now, love Sam.

Monday, October 24, 2005

So, I was having some girl problems last night (if you understand what I mean by girl problems just nod your head but if you don't you're probably male and better off anyway) and I ended up taking a combination of your run of the mill pain medications that gave me some pretty strange dreams/dream-like imagery. Let's just say it involved blue glowing hands that floated and my left shoulder dissolving into stars that then fell into a small black hole hovering behind me. Anyway, I wake up in an inordinately good mood considering it's the first Monday back from break and it's to house-shivering, 7:30am construction. Fun, fun, fun! Crazy fun...and still chipper. What is wrong with me? Maybe it's the blogging. Maybe blogging is good for me. I mean, people have always said that its good to keep a journal because talking things out makes them better or something like that, and this is even better because its public so there's no angsty secretiveness or melodramatic obsessiveness with blogging. It's all out there, for better or worse perhaps, (considering public perception of your sanity) but healthy nonetheless. Well, gotta go but I'll leave you with another "where's bloggo" clue: _ _ _ _ _ _ College is widely known for its anthropology program. Bye for now, Sam.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

I thought I would take a little time today, my last true day of break, to agree with what a commentor from (TOC) had to say about this man - Nathan Fillion - which is that Star Trek captains sadly pale in comparison with Firefly's Malcolm Reynolds. Unfortunately she's right. For some unknown reason, as far as I can tell none of the ST captains since Kirk have been as charismatic as he was. I've always had to rely on another member of the cast or several castmembers combined to get the same kind of feeling Kirk or Reynolds exude. Can I just degenerate here for a moment, from a sort of thoughtful opinion/contrast/comparison to run through the street screaming how hot Nathan Fillion is? Yes? Okay, be back in a minute or an hour... Whew, okay I'm back, that was brisk but now my throat's kind of sore. Anyway, I like Sisko and Picard and I've only seen Janeway and Archer in action maybe once so my bright shining beacons of characterization in TNG and DS9 came from Data and Dr. Bashir (the latter being someone else I'm totally obsessed with but you wouldn't know it from the calm way I just typed his name now would you? HaHaHa! I would have posted a picture of him too but I thought "this is Nathans time to shine"). Anyways, I should get back to moving boxes and maybe cook some dinner. Oh! Before I go I have another find the blogger clue: _____ College won an away basketball game against Grinnel last semester which was broadcast on ESPN 2. (You're not even listening to me are You?) Kissy go bye bye, Sam.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

See, see what you've unleashed:
Well, would ya look at that--a comment with praise--on my last post (I'm not getting a big head or anything). Anyway, yes commentor Andy, feel free to both bookmark and tell a friend (or fifteen). Have fun, go crazy, take out a full page ad in the New Yorker. Really, dude, I have a blog and you should have known better than to feed my ego like this; I mean you might as well have thrown water on a gremlin. Look at what you've unleashed. But, seriously thanks for the comment since you do have the dubious honor of being the first (unless you count the spam I got on the one before but I don't). And now for another exciting edition of lets figure out where the blogger is (or is it just creepy?): clue-- our (insert college name here) mindset list was featured on the NBC Evening News last summer. Good luck and be sure to have fun (wink)!!

Wow, and it only took me six tries and two possibly unnecessary software downloads to perhaps post this completely arbitrary image to my blog. Here goes nothing, fingers crossed, and one eye closed (again).
Room..still..not..clean! Okay, this is getting ridiculous. What's that? Ohhh, maybe I should stop blogging and complaining about not cleaning my room while blogging and editing my blog and just go clean my room! Yeah, I can see how a sane sensible person would, um, suggest that. Anyhoo, guess what. Didn't watch LofA or TGF (see previous post) last night because I was busy obsessing over certain things (slash, shh) via google search and watching "Movies that Shook the World" on AMC. Returned Donnie Darko to netflix today so I should be getting Kill Bill Vol. 2 sometime on Tuesday. Thought a little bit more about Donnie Darko last night while in bed (had some time since I went to bed at 3am instead of 5am). I'm leaning more towards the whole "depressed person mindset" rather than the "astonishing epiphany" as the idea generation/general theme for the movie or whatever. Just shows me how little I still know about movies in general despite that cult movies class I took last semester. Let's play a game. Everyone out there that will actually never visit here or comment on my posts, try to guess where in Wisconsin I am. Clues: close to the Illinois border and has a ____ ____ college located here(fill in blanks from first post). Have an idea? No? Well, stay tuned, 'cause more to come (/announcervoice). Ohh, goodness. Other bloggers out there, does the "no one has visited my blog yet and its been up two whole days" depression usually start this early? (Pretending to wait patiently). Bye for now and love, Sam.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Well, I just finished watching Donnie Darko and it wasn't what I was expecting--it was good--just not what I was expecting. I wonder what the genesis for this idea was? I guess the two most likely points from the movie could either be Donnie's choice to die (generated from when depressed or suicidal people think that the world would be better off without them in it) or maybe some epiphany or uncanny realization that the author had in real life expressed through the montage where all the characters seem to be having an epiphany or realization about themselves that is inexplicable. Or maybe neither; maybe it wasn't so simple as that. I thought that there would be actual time travel involved from what I'd heard about the movie which admittedly wasn't much (didn't want to spoil myself). My question is: what if Donnie's death prevents his mother and sister's dance team from going to LA for star search? and if they don't go how will the plane's engine crush him? Hmmm, I suppose it isn't necessary for the mother and sister to be on that particular plane for the engine to crush him. Maybe I should set this aside for now and concentrate on something my brain can handle--room cleaning. Yes that is what I should do...or watch another movie! Lawrence of Arabia or The Godfather? Choices, Choices. Bye for now, love Sam.
So, here's my first post. It's Friday and that sucks because it means that fall break here at anonymous liberal arts college is wrapping up and I didn't get my room cleaned but hey still got this weekend. Ooh, some exciting news if you're a movie buff and/or, like me, dorkily get excited about movies: I just got a copy of Donnie Darko from netflix and am going to watch it for the first time tonight. Never seen it but have wanted to badly so yeah I am loving the netflix; just used it to watch all of Firefly; it was great and now I have a real reason to be a fan of the show now that I've actually seen it instead of being a fan of a show I've never even seen just heard others talk about on message boards; guess the fact that before I had seen the show I could qoute many of its famous sayings is just a tribute to Joss Whedon, the writers, cast, etc., and the wonderful internet. Did ya get all that? Well, signing off now cause I gotta go. Bye, Sam.