Saturday, October 22, 2005

Room..still..not..clean! Okay, this is getting ridiculous. What's that? Ohhh, maybe I should stop blogging and complaining about not cleaning my room while blogging and editing my blog and just go clean my room! Yeah, I can see how a sane sensible person would, um, suggest that. Anyhoo, guess what. Didn't watch LofA or TGF (see previous post) last night because I was busy obsessing over certain things (slash, shh) via google search and watching "Movies that Shook the World" on AMC. Returned Donnie Darko to netflix today so I should be getting Kill Bill Vol. 2 sometime on Tuesday. Thought a little bit more about Donnie Darko last night while in bed (had some time since I went to bed at 3am instead of 5am). I'm leaning more towards the whole "depressed person mindset" rather than the "astonishing epiphany" as the idea generation/general theme for the movie or whatever. Just shows me how little I still know about movies in general despite that cult movies class I took last semester. Let's play a game. Everyone out there that will actually never visit here or comment on my posts, try to guess where in Wisconsin I am. Clues: close to the Illinois border and has a ____ ____ college located here(fill in blanks from first post). Have an idea? No? Well, stay tuned, 'cause more to come (/announcervoice). Ohh, goodness. Other bloggers out there, does the "no one has visited my blog yet and its been up two whole days" depression usually start this early? (Pretending to wait patiently). Bye for now and love, Sam.


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