Friday, October 21, 2005

Well, I just finished watching Donnie Darko and it wasn't what I was expecting--it was good--just not what I was expecting. I wonder what the genesis for this idea was? I guess the two most likely points from the movie could either be Donnie's choice to die (generated from when depressed or suicidal people think that the world would be better off without them in it) or maybe some epiphany or uncanny realization that the author had in real life expressed through the montage where all the characters seem to be having an epiphany or realization about themselves that is inexplicable. Or maybe neither; maybe it wasn't so simple as that. I thought that there would be actual time travel involved from what I'd heard about the movie which admittedly wasn't much (didn't want to spoil myself). My question is: what if Donnie's death prevents his mother and sister's dance team from going to LA for star search? and if they don't go how will the plane's engine crush him? Hmmm, I suppose it isn't necessary for the mother and sister to be on that particular plane for the engine to crush him. Maybe I should set this aside for now and concentrate on something my brain can handle--room cleaning. Yes that is what I should do...or watch another movie! Lawrence of Arabia or The Godfather? Choices, Choices. Bye for now, love Sam.


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