Monday, October 24, 2005

So, I was having some girl problems last night (if you understand what I mean by girl problems just nod your head but if you don't you're probably male and better off anyway) and I ended up taking a combination of your run of the mill pain medications that gave me some pretty strange dreams/dream-like imagery. Let's just say it involved blue glowing hands that floated and my left shoulder dissolving into stars that then fell into a small black hole hovering behind me. Anyway, I wake up in an inordinately good mood considering it's the first Monday back from break and it's to house-shivering, 7:30am construction. Fun, fun, fun! Crazy fun...and still chipper. What is wrong with me? Maybe it's the blogging. Maybe blogging is good for me. I mean, people have always said that its good to keep a journal because talking things out makes them better or something like that, and this is even better because its public so there's no angsty secretiveness or melodramatic obsessiveness with blogging. It's all out there, for better or worse perhaps, (considering public perception of your sanity) but healthy nonetheless. Well, gotta go but I'll leave you with another "where's bloggo" clue: _ _ _ _ _ _ College is widely known for its anthropology program. Bye for now, Sam.


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