Monday, February 15, 2010

Anybody else get sick everytime they get a little time off? Seems like everytime I go on vacation or even have a surprise(!) bit of time, I get sick. It's Super Frustrating. Take last week. We here in Louisiana had a little snowcation. By snowcation, I mean it snowed a little, everyone freaked out, the city of Alexandria practically shut down, and I decided to stay home on Thursday rather than drive to work (40 miles both ways) in the sleet and possible snow; not to mention the flood waters in the area from the Calcasieu River that had been sending me, for more than a week, on a truly mind-numbing and car endangering detour. (You, dear reader, were this close to getting an exciting series on enormous potholes; drat, they filled them in a day later). My boss and coworker discussed it with me; she found me a sub for the next day; I went home, worked out, and here comes the sore throat. What the hell? Don't mean to bitch too much, but jeez, it would have been nice if I had been able to get something productive done Thursday (out), Friday (branch closed anyway), Saturday (not scheduled), or Sunday, besides some half-assed vacuuming and three discs of The O.C. Season 1. Oh well, The O.C. was pretty fun.


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