Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Can you say "mini-meltdown"? Apparently, I can, blog. Hmm, you know what? I think you need a name. I think I'll call you "Jen". Jen. That's a nice name, isn't it? Do you like it? Okay, good. (Btw, I have a cousin named Jennifer, but we're not close, so I think we can ignore that and pretend otherwise).

So, now that we're on a first name basis let's just pick up like normal and continue on with our regularly scheduled rant/boredom/breakdown (whichever is on the plate for this foray). You pick.

::You have chosen boredom:: /automated voice

Why would you go and do that? Who wants to be bored? Who wants to talk about being bored? Hmm, Jen, let's pick another. I already did breakdown last week so I guess we should go with rant. What to rant about, what to rant about - Oh! Ralph Nader! He's back! You didn't know? Um, don't you have a yahoo account? You're a blog and don't have hands to type with or eyes to read messages and therefore have no need for e-mail. Right. I forgot. So silly of me to completely overlook the limitations of a friend. Oh, don't get in a snit.

Anyhoo, Ralph fucking Nader. What the hell. Does he want McCain to win without a fight? I know "everyone" is going "green" and this might otherwise be an awesome time to strike for the cause, but doesn't he know this is just going to be Gore/Bush 2000 part 2? I already think it's going to be a pretty close race between Obama and McCain (I'm predicting Hil isn't going to make it much further) and Jesus if the dems aren't going to need every vote they can scrape together. Sheesh! Again, Nader, what the hell?

Swallow and breathe. Okay, that rant's over. Should I pick another? Okay, hmmm, hmmm...God I can't think of anything else. I know, srsly. Me. I always find stuff to be a bitch about. The Queen of Bitchery? I don't know if I would say that. More like an enthusiastic practitioner of Bitchcraft. snicker

I'm bored. And we already decided that wasn't an option for this post, so I guess we should wrap it up. Ha! I just got a visual of that Chapelle Show episode. The one where they have those "wrap it up" machines...You've never seen the Chapelle Show? No, it has nothing to do with David La Chapelle. How high-brow, Jen - if you like the artfully photographed boobs of famous chicks. Which I do. So, whatcha wanna do now?

Play "Jaws" with staplers? Yes, awesome! Wait you don't have hands.


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