Wednesday, October 26, 2005

As we say in the south, it "turned off cold" up here in Wisconsin.
Maybe not that cold>>>>>>>>> but it's coming soon enough and I for one cannot wait. I love cold weather: I love the ice, the snow, the frost, the wind (well not all the wind), etc. Way too much heat where I'm from and not enough ice crystals if ya ask me. Isn't that pretty?>>>>> Wow, I have nothing else to talk about but the weather; this is as dismal as normal conversation. Gotta B on my German midterm... did pretty well on my museum studies paper... and that's it--not even enough interesting college class-related crap to write about. I'm goin' to bed--I should at least try to get some sleep since I'm blowing off tomorrows German homework (so naughty). Oh! Watched Kill Bill Vol. 2--entertaining but not as good as the first; a little anti-climatic but what are you going to do? Bye for now, love Sam.


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