Sunday, August 20, 2006

I just completed three pieces of fanfiction, my first ever, and I'm totally obnoxious about it. I've posted this shit everywhere: Yahoo Groups, SidCity Forums, Helix-BBS, even my own Live Journal. I was kind of afraid I would be opening a window to hell or screwing with the space-time continuum by posting a link here to that last one. I mean, are Google Blogger and LiveJournal, like, gonna throw down when they meet in the Great Internet Stream of Linkage? Anyway, just seemed like something I should put in my little diary here. Because I'm a geek and Garak/Bashir slash is what got me into fanfiction, my DS9-WIP features them in an AU-MU setting. It was a lot of fun to write and I'm planning a 4th part, soon. So, here's the link and I hope you like it if that's you're thing. *Does a little happy dance*. See, obnoxious.


Blogger Loudlush said...

Very nice!! I've never watched DS9 though... am I going to be disappointed now because your fanfic (which I really enjoyed) is actually better than the 'real thing'????

8:07 PM  
Blogger Tatterdemallion said...

Thanks for reading and liking! blush

am I going to be disappointed now because your fanfic (which I really enjoyed) is actually better than the 'real thing'????

No, though it's very nice of you to say so. Nice, as in, I-just-might-get-a-big-head-that-was-so-nice.

You should watch the show; it has its faults but it's my favorite trek and it can be really good. Though watchout - some of the Mirror Universe episodes are not DS9 at its best (Emperor's New Cloak, I'm looking at you).


P.S. Sorry your comment didn't make it up till today. Me and Blogger have been having some problems. I tell it to send comments to my email; it doesn't; I check to see if my e-mail address is right; still nothing; I check again and suddenly it's gone. Jees, it can be annoying.

4:53 AM  

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