Tuesday, June 27, 2006

If you read romance novels and you're looking for a blog/review site that is totally addictive then http://www.dionnegalace.com/books/ might be your cup of tea. I spend a shameful amount of time there laughing my ass off and using her reviews to feverishly search the online library catalog. A lot of the reviewed romances have a paranormal bent and the Anita Blake series comes up quite a bit. Check out her rant about Micah, in particular - http://www.dionnegalace.com/books/2006/03/micah-by-laurell-k-hamilton.html; it's hilarious. I laughed and laughed and laughed. I usually only laugh and laugh. The "Cover Snark" section is pretty hilarious, too. Jees, look at the long-ass links. Wish I knew how to do that thingy where you can pretty much write anything into the linky, clicky space and still have it go where you want. I shall have to embark upon a bit of serious link tutelage.


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