Friday, February 03, 2006

I've been a negligent little blogger. A naughty, bad blogger. But I've also been a busy non-blogger so I guess I'm exempt from whatever charges might be leveled against me by TPTB of Bloggerdom!? How d'ya like my nifty collage? I made it for my Women, Culture, and Society class. It was supposed to be for today but, alas, we did not get to it. We were too busy discussing the fine points of Fordism vs. Late Capitalism and their implications in the gendering of immunological terms. Did that make sense? Well, it would have if you had been there...or if I could explain it better. Anyway, collage about gender assumptions inherent in media images. I guess it works: men work long hours and have lots of body hair; women are obsessed with perfect bodies, cleavage, and whooooring themselves in product placement. Or is it the other way around. I get so confused and math is hard. Hmmm, what else happened today so far? Oh yeah, skipped German and probably failed a non-human primate taxonomy test. Fridays are the most magical, wonderful days ever.


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