Saturday, November 05, 2005

Wow. Totally haven't posted in a really long time. Sorry 'bout that. However, I have written several posts out in my head before going to bed and then forgotten them. So, can't say I haven't tried. It's just that I've been completely wrapped up in this game that has made its way to our campus this semester called... ASSASSINS!!!!!! I'm crazed and I'm not even an assassin/target, I'm a non-target agent (my own phrase) helping a friend in the game avoid her assassins and bump off her targets. She's one of four people left at this point out of 156 players. We've smuggled her out of buildings, acted as human shields, tailed other people and staked out one poor girl so long she eventually just gave in after being holed up in a safe-zone computer lab for nearly an hour. It's been fun but I'm kinda ready for the game to be over. Keep your fingers crossed for me that my friend is the last assassin standing. And I thought I had nothing to write about. Before I sign off I'll put another fruitless clue about location, location, location out there for those of you (exactly 0) playing along at home: _ _ _ _ _ _ College is located about thirty minutes away from Rockford, IL the home of the band Cheap Trick. Bye, Sam.


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