Monday, November 14, 2005

I was reading on a message board a couple of days ago when I came across some upsetting news. It seems that Fox has decided to make one more blunder in its show cancelling escapades and axe Arrested Development, one of the most originally funny shows to debut on television in a long while. At least that's my opinion and the opinion of a few others as well. But apparently not enough "few others" to keep the show on the air. I'm trying to be gracious and accept this news with some dignity but whenever I come across a new bit of that ever-encroaching trash referred to as 'reality tv' by some, and think back on every good show that has been cancelled before its time, I just get a big WTF! going through my head. And that gives me a headache, thank you. Kitchen Confidential is also apparently not going to be picked up for a full season which sucks because it wasn't a bad show and it had Nicholas Brendon in one of its roles. I guess I should add "starting a season earlier than your network normally does and after only a few episodes of your ratings-struggling critical darling and well reviewed fledgling, putting them on the back burner to the world series for a month" to my list of smart decisions made by network suits. No new find the blogger clues this post; I'm just not feeling up to it tonight. Bye for now, Sam.


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