Monday, April 03, 2006

Sometimes I just randomly skip I did today. It's ridiculous. I could've gotten my ass out of bed at 8:30 and still made my 9am class easily. I meant to go to my 11am class but I decided not to; same thing with lunch. Now I'm sitting here in clothes I never wear, hungry, guilty, and wierded out because I have shitloads of homework but my previous slacking this morning didn't really set the tone for it. And this is an important week -- I was planning to pull it all together this week. Good job, me. Of course it didn't help that my alarm somehow startled me this morning more than it usually does, causing me to rear up and pull something (I'm not saying where). I can't wait for summer. Picking blueberries, watching crappy morning tv, playing with my dog, looking for a low-paying summer job that gives me no experience in the realm of my future career -- whatever that is. Okay, I'm gonna stop bringing myself and everyone else reading this down. Umm... hey! Watch that dancing clown/banana movie at - its fun. 'K, that should do it. Love, Sam.


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