Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Still no computer... I ... sob... :gibbering mess: Breathing. So, what's new with me?

Got drunk for the first time, on Sunday. The day after my 25th birthday.

The day before my 25th was lovely - my friends/housemates made me a cake, we watched a movie, I got a very pink card from my mother - all very nice and sweet... but the day of my birthday I was pretty much alone. It actually makes perfect sense - it was the first full day of spring break at my college - people went home.

So, I went and bought myself a lovely leaf-shaped dish (I'm collecting dishes for when I break out of here in May), lamented the fact that the bookstore was closed, and ordered pizza at my mother's behest that I "treat myself". Everything was fine. But something happened on that day after. It all (re: computer troubles, stagnation of life, what am I going to do once I finally graduate?, why didn't I go to college when I was supposed to?, do I watch too much star trek?) kind of just hit me at once and I decided that I was going to try my damnest to finally get drunk. For the first time.

I had begun to think it would never happen; it's not like I haven't tried before. I guess I just hadn't tried with straight vodka. I can't believe I'm typing this, but it tasted better by itself. Ughh, just thinking about it begs for an encore of what happened after all the fun, giggles, and lewd behavior with glass door panels was over.

Let's just say that I have now formed a sickness aversion to triscuits and chocolate twizzlers. Oh, yeah, and vodka.


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