Sunday, August 27, 2006

Hi. My name is Samantha W. and I have a problem. Does it have something to do with Jensen Ackles? What's that...Oh, no; I just like the pretty and I need some of that right now. Anyway, you see, I'm a freak. When it comes to travelling, that is. Particularly packing for travelling. If my suitcase isn't perfectly even, proportioned, etc. then I am existing in a disharmonious state of being. Meaning, I flip the fuck out and am physically sick to my stomach. So, technically, you could say it is a sickness. I'm really a sweet girl, you know. It's a pity that I'm also a little batshit crazy. Good thing I have JAckles to get me through the tough times.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

I just completed three pieces of fanfiction, my first ever, and I'm totally obnoxious about it. I've posted this shit everywhere: Yahoo Groups, SidCity Forums, Helix-BBS, even my own Live Journal. I was kind of afraid I would be opening a window to hell or screwing with the space-time continuum by posting a link here to that last one. I mean, are Google Blogger and LiveJournal, like, gonna throw down when they meet in the Great Internet Stream of Linkage? Anyway, just seemed like something I should put in my little diary here. Because I'm a geek and Garak/Bashir slash is what got me into fanfiction, my DS9-WIP features them in an AU-MU setting. It was a lot of fun to write and I'm planning a 4th part, soon. So, here's the link and I hope you like it if that's you're thing. *Does a little happy dance*. See, obnoxious.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

My computer needs more memory. I haven't been able to do a system restore in months, listen to my WinMediaplayer in a week, and my Internet connection has been spotty the last couple of days. Mind-numbing, rage-filling, computer-cide inducing spotty. *Pouts* Like big time. Anyway, a trip to my brother's apartment in Lake Charles properly diagnosed the problem and a cyber-trip to amazon produced the cure ($43.00 worth). Now all I have to do is wait for my delivery of memory and install it. Except I can't find the miniscule, tiny, little tool necessary to remove the screws from the bottom of my laptop so I can pop the keyboard off and snap the new memory card in. Sounds easy. Frustration at the lost tool is sort of cancelling out the omg!!I'mgonnatotallyfuckupmycomputer anxiety/fear that I should be feeling right now, as a computer repair novice. Or maybe it's the lack of sleep. Or maybe my brain is bleeding. Sweet brain bleed. By the way, the writing on the game box? Is that Russia...Spani...Czech...?? I know it's not German. Or English. Yeah. That's about the extent of my mad language skills.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

[Pointer Sisters] I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it! [Pointer Sisters/] Alexander Siddig and Kiefer Sutherland - together - at the same time - onscreen! At least I hope so. I avidly watched the first season of 24, missed the beginning of the second season because our cable got canceled, got cable back and decided to tape the rest of the second season on FX without realizing that our VCR had stopped recording sound, and have been mournfully regarding seasons 3, 4, & 5 since. I had planned to watch the whole series at some point but now I'm going to have to grab a crash course in what's been happening in 24 land by next January. I may have to settle for a good recap website. But Alexander Siddig makes up for that :).

Friday, August 04, 2006

Oh, man it's been a long time! Sort of. I still don't really have anything new to say, write, or report; anything important anyway. All I've been doing the past two weeks are reading my newest slash addiction and babysitting. Not at the same time. Anyhoo, to make up for my lack of words I'll put in one of my favorite pictures of one of my favorite people: Jensen Ackles! So, enjoy the pretty and I'll keep my fingers crossed about the possible occurrence of excitement in my life between now and the start of my senior year. Enjoy!:)