I missed our anniversary, blog. I guess maybe you noticed that, huh?
sorry - I
promise to make it up to you next year, baby! It'll be big, it'll be fantastic! With streamers and a retrospective and lots of presents! A cake!
I promise. *
I'm sorry, blog. I probably shouldn't write checks I'm not sure I can cash. Knowing me, I'll probably just get busy and distracted and forget all about our anniversary again... You know, I
did have plans. I was gonna do this whole big thing where I went through and detailed how our lives have changed in the past year -
together and
for the better. But then I wasn't really feeling all that optimistic, so I scrapped it. Then I was going to do a Halloween special, since we both love Halloween and it is a pretty significant time of the year considering that's when we started counting our visitors. Yeah? I
know you remember that :). But I didn't have any pumpkin carving pictures from the Anthro Club meeting this year, like last year, and I thought that would just be a really sorry let down in comparison. So, then I thought that I could pull it out of the hat and post some of our favorite scary stories before it turned November 1st. Of course, I couldn't find the one I was looking for and I
just sort of gave up... Can you forgive me, blog? In all my procrastinating, sad-sack, mood-swinging, neglectful, hurting ways, blog? Please? You'll think about it? Okay. I'll give you some time, some space. *sniff* Bye *strangledsobsniff*