Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I'm currently reading Barbie's Queer Accessories for my pop culture class. It's really interesting, which is a good thing since I have to write a book review of it. Writing a review of a book you either hate or think is boring is like pulling your eye-teeth with rusty pliers. An academic review, anyway. Pop culture has been pretty interesting, so far. We've done fieldnotes on romance novel reading, read a little Marx, and watched They Live. Yeah, good stuff. I've decided my term paper topic will be "fashionable faces" - how media shapes beauty perception and representation. It's something I've always been interested in. Research, research, research. We actually have to teach a unit to the class on our topic. ::Breathing:: Much scarier than They Live...or Kate and Leopold.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

My Senior Seminar is in a bar. A bar called the B.O.P. That's Bert's Other Place, for those not from the Beloit area. We had our first meeting there on Thursday and the second was completed a few hours ago. "Guns, Germs, and Steel" discussed amongst cigar smoke and $4 pitchers of beer. Neon signs, a pool table, darts, and college students secretly knitting under booth tables.

Aries Spears is on Conan right now. He's hilarious; I miss watching MadTV.

Yeah, anyway. So, last Thursday -- my first time in a bar...and it was for a class. I'm 24. Is that sad? I kinda think it's sad, but then again I don't care. 'Cause I don't really drink. I was raised Baptist (ain't anymore). We don't drink, we don't smoke, we don't dance. Cussing and chocolate are my biggest vices. I have the occasional fruity alcoholic drink, but otherwise, never really been interested in the booze. Never even been drunk.

My clothes smell like cigarette smoke. Ugghhh. I guess I'll get used to it.

The Carson Daly Show is coming on. There's gonna be a band on called Kill Hannah. They came to Beloit a few years ago. My freshman RA had a poster on her door of them. Her name was Hannah, so she was all over that shit.

Lots of stuff going on right now. I need to process jobs, classes, extracurricular, etc. I'll get back to you with something hopefully a little more upbeat and/or coherent than this. ::sigh::