Sunday, August 23, 2009

Blog, I know you want to put a foot through my head. I've been ignoring you, like, forever. But I've just been so busy. With work and... snacks... and reading lots and lots of slash fiction. Well, I just haven't had time to update. I know you forgive me, though, right? Right? You're still not speaking to me. I understand. That's fine. I'll just change the subject until you're ready.

Guess who gets to go back to work on Monday. Me. It's gonna be awesome! That was sarcasm. Seriously, it's gonna be horrible. No, it'll actually be okay. It won't be horrible or wonderful. It'll just be what it is. Good lots of time, bad some others. And that's almost worse than the horrible option. I'm one of those eternally dissatisfied people. Eternally? Maybe that isn't the word. Maybe continually would be a better word. Of course, that's not completely true. I just tend to chomp at the bit quite a lot, and then obsess over the groove it's worn into my mouth until I'm having an existential crisis every five seconds. Unbearable. Maybe that's the word I was looking for - it's more economical; takes the place of fill in the blank and dissatisfied.

So, I'm just full of the back-to-work dread. Other people get that too, right? Hmm, I can't hear you. Anyway, in case they (you) don't, it feels like your legs are going numb at the same time as your head, but your middle? Well, your middle's just squirming away. Positively sick with the "I have to go back there" worms. I'm such a bitch: "there" is a library. One of my favorite places in the world before I worked there. sigh It's not SO bad; worse than some would think, though. The bureaucracy is what gets me - the idiocy of people with nothing better to do but sit in an office and think up ways to make things harder for those "under" them. Yep, that's just about the worst part. Plus, the stinky people. Oh, and the crap pay. :)

Well, I'm done complaining for one day (at least until the next time I'm on twitter - it's my new favorite way to spread the pain). I feel better :).