Monday, January 26, 2009

Old people think they can say anything they like. I think they should all shut the f up.

It's not that I don't like old people. Some of them are okay I guess. Sure, they can be a bit batty and the hygiene isn't always up to par, but some of them are sweet.

Sweeter than others.

Like the ones that weild their canes like they're going to wop you in the knees and ankles. Or them that like to pee on the nice padded chairs at the library [see above: hygiene]. Or the ones that get uptight about a .30 cent library fine. Oh dear, Mr. Whiskers won't have his fifth tin of fish paste tonight.

Feline obesity is a cruelty. We're doing them a favor.

But I digress. All I really meant to say is: old people - learn some tact!