Wednesday, November 05, 2008

First of all, let me just say: Woot!! Considering this is the day after the election, you should know why. Secondly, jeez I'm sorry I haven't posted since May!?! What the hell? I know all of you have been wondering, "where is she, what's happening, omg, how will I live without this blog?!", but I'm back now. So, chillax. Oh, and by "all of you" I mean the four random people that I think check in here now and then. Possibly some of you are robots. I'm not sure.

Anyways, what's going on with me. Still working in a library, still trying to write shit down in hopes of someday publishing it, still just trying not to freak out that I'm turning 27 next March and ...gasp... still...gasp... not...gasp... published. I'm sorry, am I breathing all of your air and mine too? Yeah, I'll stop hyperventilating now. Okay. *wheeze*

So, a couple of months ago I got this crazy Idea to make a children's book. Not just write a children's book. Make a children's book. This may not sound like a big deal to all you craft-oriented peoples out there, but y'all I'm like the least craft-y person you'll ever meet. Somehow, I always end up with my hand glued to my hair.

So, I bought some supplies, did a few practice stencils, and promptly put that shit aside. Imagine my surprise when out of the blue I suddenly had to do something with myself other than just read or watch TV on a Saturday night. Answer? Abandoned children's book! I'm working on panel three at the moment. It's slow going and heart wrenching, especially when the text isn't exactly straight as straight can be. I decided on an eyeball/freehand stencilling strategy at first, which has worked out better than you'd think in some cases. I still might go all OCD and draw some fricken lines from now on though. Probably because it's getting to be real now in a way it hadn't before and I don't want to fuck it over like I've done other "projects". I have anger issues; don't judge me.

Another problem is my obvious lack of artistic skillz. I'm using stencils for everything at the moment. I thought it might be a fun way to present the text to a potential publishing buddy...and well, just fun. But I'm going to have to visit the local craft store and invest in some more soon. I just hope it doesn't turn into a death knell for the project. I have a bad history of optimistically buying a shitload of craft stuff, only for the project to die a quick death.

*Fingers crossed*

I'm kind of trying to take more of a relaxed, que sera approach to my writing (re:hobby) lately. Don't get so out of whack. Just let it flow and try and have a good time doing it. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn't, it doesn't. And I still have this cute little book I made, no matter what.