Thursday, May 08, 2008

Ahhhh...writing is a struggle. Fear. Fear is the hardest part. And punctuation. But fear really takes the cake and I'd still put it pretty high above the whole punctuation/general mechanics of the thing any day. Even writing a blog post is difficult sometimes. So, I like to include a pretty picture. It's a nice distraction. See^, isn't it pretty? I've mostly avoided talking about writing on my own blog, so far, since I frequent other blogs about the same topic and wouldn't want to seem like a copycat. But, they say write what you know; well, I don't know much about writing, so I'll amend that to "write what you're interested in, even if it's in a blog". Thus, from now on I think I'm going to change the tone here somewhat (what? you mean there's a tone here? *shutup* :D), and include some posts about writing, reading, etc. It could be therapeutic afterall, and if anything, I need some therapy (especially about my writing, or lack thereof).

Ch-ch-changes. It won't be so bad. Promise.
(what? you mean anyone reads this? really? *shutup*)