It's been awhile. Guess I'm still getting over my "Spring Break's over and I'm not getting over it" blues. Anyway, still can't seem to upload pictures from my computer but I can from photobucket.com so, I thought that I would, because I can. Pretty ^^^, huh? I like it. In other news that isn't important - turned in a draft of the term paper for one of my classes today. Ten pages of discourse about slash fanfiction. Fun times. All that research was exhausting. I should take the edge off by READING MORE SLASH!!! Just got back from Cub Grocery where I purchased some wine coolers because I like to party hard for my St. Patty's Day (and by 'party hard' I mean this is the first time I'll ever have drank anything alcoholic on a StPD...and I'm 24...and I've never been drunk). Happy St. Patrick's Day, btw. I wore the requisite pinch avoiding green today. One of my favorite shirts - green tee with the SuperMan Logo on it in white; people just can't seem to get over the color scheme when I wear it. Oh well, they get a kick out of it. Bye for now, Sam.